Community Investment

Empower your business to transform communities

Crowdfunding functionality

Community Investment can take many forms, from grant giving to match funding. It provides a way for your businesses to support the causes that align with your values, and to make a positive impact on the communities you serve.

And the benefits are clear: research shows that companies that engage in community investment see increased brand loyalty, improved employee morale, and better relationships with local stakeholders.

Support causes that align with your values.

Our solutions

Our programmes enable businesses to engage their employees and customers in meaningful ways, building brand loyalty and driving social impact, enhancing your impact and success.

  • Grant Giving

    Donate one-off or annual grants to the causes you care about. Simply review applications and allocate your funds to the projects that match your funding criteria.

  • Match Funding

    Match funding provides a way for groups to leverage the funds you are donating, as well as evidence the support for the group in the community.

  • Live Match Funding

    Supporters can see the impact of their donations in real time as each one triggers a release of match funding from our partner funds. This simple and effective messaging can drum up support for their campaign.

The benefits

  • Stretch funds further

    As a partner we can guarantee that the crowd will amplify your funding, which may be further leveraged with other private and public partnerships. This means that the projects you want to support receive more funding and become more sustainable.

  • Increases connectivity

    We help you increase awareness about your fund, with the causes that align with your values, and their supporters, as well as your people and customers.

  • Improves efficiency

    Because of the nature of crowdfunding and particularly the digital platform/technology, distribution costs can be much lower than traditional channels (due to speed and automation) without compromising on security or increasing risk.

  • More measurable impact

    Beyond the pure cash support, crowdfunding projects can deliver many social impact benefits, such as job creation, increased wellbeing, connectivity and inclusion, and building skills capacity in the community.

72% of UK companies believe that their business success is dependent on the community in which they operate.

What our partners say

“Crowdfunder have enabled us to deliver grant funding in a different and innovative way, amplifying the reach that our more traditional grants can't achieve. We’ve seen a number of providers run successful campaigns, generating thousands of pounds and raising awareness of the great work that they do in their local community.

Neil Smith, Programme Manager
at Sport England

Group of young skateboarders

Explore our other solutions

  • Employee Engagement

    Boost employee morale through giving, fundraising and volunteering.

  • Customer Engagement

    Connect your values with your customers' with rewards, giving, fundraising, and volunteering.

  • Latest News

    Find out how the National Emergencies Trust amplified their impact through matching the crowds generosity.

Want to know more?