Customer Engagement

Connect your customers with a brand they can trust

Share your impact
with your customers.

We understand the power of connecting your brand with the causes your customers care about. It's not just good for business; it's a force for positive change in society.

Our customer engagement programmes offer a unique opportunity to not only share your mission and purpose, but to connect with your customers on a deeper level.

Our solutions

Our programmes enable businesses to engage their employees and customers in meaningful ways, building brand loyalty and driving social impact, enhancing your impact and success.

  • Live Match Funding

    Supporters can see the impact of their donations in real time as each one triggers a release of match funding from our partner funds. This simple and effective messaging can drum up support for their campaign.

  • Crisis Support

    Quickly initiate charitable giving in collaboration with various partners, showcasing your support and leveraging your platform to engage your customers.

  • Customer Giving

    Customer Giving

    Encourage your customers to support the causes they care about that align with your values through rewards programmes.

The benefits

  • Make giving easy

    Engage your customers in the causes that resonate with both your values and theirs. Empower them to support local organisations or champion the issues they are truly passionate about. By fostering this alignment, you're not just creating customers; you're creating advocates for your brand and the causes you support.

  • Amplify and inspire

    Your business has the power to inspire change and magnify the impact of good causes. By involving your customers in meaningful campaigns, you raise awareness and engage your customers.

  • Customer satisfaction

    Aligning your brand with your customers' values is the ultimate loyalty-building strategy. It not only strengthens your relationship with existing customers but also attracts like-minded individuals who want to be part of something bigger.

  • Rapid response

    Swift action during crises can make a world of difference. By activating your customer network, you can respond rapidly to local, national, or international emergencies. Your customers become a powerful force for good when it's needed most, showcasing your brand's commitment to making a positive impact.

87% of consumers are more likely to support products from companies that advocate for issues they care about.*

*Cone Communications

Explore our other solutions

  • Community Investment

    Make your funds go further, your processes more efficient and your proposition more engaging.

  • Employee Engagement

    Boost employee morale through giving, fundraising and volunteering.

  • Latest news

    Find out how the National Emergencies Trust amplified their impact through matching the crowds generosity.

Want to know more?